Copywriter. Journalist. Storyteller. Poet.

Cat Call

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On the first dress-weather day in Spring of 2018, I couldn’t walk a block in Brooklyn without being whistled, yelled, shouted, hooted, and even meowed at. So after a guy stopped in a truck yelled, ‘Hey baby, what’s your number?’ all I wanted to do was give him a fake number that directed him to a line where actual cats were. Thus, the great catcall idea was born. I asked an art friend, Haley Wexler, to design the cards and we printed them and gave them out to our friends who have to deal with catcalling too. I showed my Group Creative Directors and they encouraged us to build out the idea and submit it to our Global Creative Council.

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Art by Haley Wexler
Art by Haley Wexler
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