Copywriter. Journalist. Storyteller. Poet.

Rite Aid



Rite Aid always stresses the importance of a flu shot, but with COVID-19 as another factor this flu season—the flu isn’t the only thing people are stressed about getting. And stress weakens the immune system. So we showed people that Rite Aid has them covered with a flu shot and other immune-boosting remedies, in the most calm way we could: a guided meditation.


In an effort to help with National testing effort for COVID-19, Rite Aid did a pro-bono OOH to promote no-cost testing for everyone, especially people who were unsure about potential symptoms. So to speak to the people who were symptom searching on the internet, leading them down a spiral of even more confusion, we took some of their most searched COVID-19 symptom questions and urged them to get a free test at Rite Aid to give them the answer. After being live for only one week, Rite Aid surpassed their monthly goal for administrating 100,000 COVID-19 tests and as of June, had over 140,000 tests.

Agency: Havas New York
AD: Gaeun Oh
GCD: Tommy Troncoso and Naz Kim

COVID Billboards
COVID Billboards